Saturday, January 10

Flikr Game...

Looked interesting...

Go to Flickr. Type the answer to each question in the search box. You can only use pictures from the first page that comes up. Have fun!

What's your name?

What's your favorite food?

Where did you go to school?

And then?

And then?

Who's your celebrity crush? (I guess you will have to figure out which one...)

Who's your favorite Disney princess?

What's your favorite drink?


Dream Vacation:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you love most in life?
(I think it's funny that Liz got the same picture for a totally different question)

What do you dream about?


  1. That picture of the mountains is so gorgeous. Someday you will have to travel to Idaho with me and show me the pretty parts, but not the potatoes.

  2. lol that's Trail Creek Cabin. You can't tell in that photo, but it says on the roof, "The higher you get, the higher you get." (or something really similar to that).

    It is a gorgeous place. Let's just make sure we go in the summer, mmmkay?
