Sunday, August 31

The New Skipjack Lane

I thought I had posted pics and a link before, but it was just a picture and no link! Silly me.

Anyway here we go:

This is the new Skipjack standing near where the pool is (my house is at the very endon the left) These are all one story homes, but most of the community is comprised of two story homes. The one stories are field grade quarters or disabled accessible homes.

Here's another of the street. My house is centered in the photo. You can see the two story homes off to the back right of the photo and you can see Koelper Street back there, too.

And for more photos of *my* house (the interior and such) you can check them out here. I will try to get down there and take more pictures of the community at large for y'all.

Friday, August 29

The White House

So, I've been invited to the White House to attend an event for volunteers. The President will be there and be giving a speech. The event will be held on the South Lawn. I don't know how to dress.

I was raised by pinko, commie, liberal, tree-huggin, leftists. I am married to a fairly centrist republican. I am somewhere in between those two identities. I have a bleeding heart, but I still believe in your right to bear arms (or bare arms if they don't look like mine). I guess you could call me a Libertarian. I believe in small government and protecting our own first.

I am not Bush's biggest fan, you could say.

Is it hypocritical to attend an event thrown by a man you loathe just to garner the once-in-a-lifetime experience of attending an event at his (ultra historic amazing) home?

I'm confounded.

Sunday, August 24

Falling into place

Well, some things are getting settled, which is nice. I have a move date. School starts tomorrow and Austen's school just needs a bit more to fall into place. Stress has lowered immensely.

I am a bit nervous about school, but not like I was last semester. I am actually more excited to get it going and done with than any other emotion.

We still don't have orders, but I think there is a decent chance that we're headed Hawaii's way. If we do, Tom will have to do a 5 month school in VA, which kind of upsets me, but I will deal. At least he will be able to fly home and we can visit him. DC is a whole lot more accessible than Fallujah these days. This also means we might get a bit longer in our house here in Cali.

I don't have much desire to stay in California, it's really not my kind of place. However, schooling here is ridiculously inexpensive and that is important to me these days. So, if we stayed even one extra semester, it could save us thousands.

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend.

Friday, August 15

Scattered, Stressed and Excited...

Well, two weeks since a post. Not sure why, I haven't done a damn thing in the last two weeks. So, here is two weeks worth of blabbing:

We're supposed to move. They've delayed it until the beginning of September. I start school the 25th of August. I may have a trip to the east coast the first part of September. I have a trip to Florida the first two weeks of October (Tom's R&R and Eve's wedding *squeeeeeeeee*). I'm not sure when they CAN move me. It's so very frustrating. I just wish that these last three-four weeks that I've been sitting on my ass could have been spent setting up the new house. Not to mention that the longer they put off moving us, the less time we will be in that house. If we moved NOW, we wouldn't be there a year. So, if things get pushed until October, we might be there 7-8 months. That's an awfully short time (Liz, you're feeling this, I am sure).

I feel like my hands are tied. I keep going through things in my house to feel like I am accomplishing something, anything. It's not working. I feel like a lump. Other than having somewhat of a social life lately, my life is totally stagnant right now. I know it's not going to stay that way. It's some kind of effed up juxtaposition.

I've gotten everything handled that I can. I guess that is good. The only thing I am behind on is reading, but I am always behind on my reading. I buy books faster than I can feasibly read them. Sorta silly. Some people collect black and white cows or coins or what-have-yous; I collect books. It's a good thing.

That's where I am right now. Poised and ready to pounce but worried I am going to need to pounce in 8 directions at one time. I am blessed to have such great things going on in my life.

Saturday, August 2


10 years ago:
I had just moved from Ketchum to Boise, ID. I was 22, Austen was 4 and we were just trying to eek out a life for ourselves.

5 years ago:
Falling in love with the most amazing man ever. Right after this, we decided to start shackin' up like two crazy kids.

5 months ago:
umm, enmeshed in school and the mundane. I really am more exciting than my life. I swear.

5 things on my list of things to do tomorrow:
1. Douche the kitchen. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff before the move and I am going room-by-room to achieve this. I bought some really great new JA Henckle's flatware that I am very excited about. It's quite opulent looking... LOL
2. Two boxes of misc papers and stuff in the laundry room. They need my attention.
3. Laudry
4. Dining Room swabbing.
5. Lounge aggressively. Napping might be involved.

5 bad habits:
1. I'll get to this later (procrastination)
2. Not taking my make-up off before I go to bed.
3. Negative self-talk. When Tom's home, he reminds me to not do it. When he's away, I dogcuss myself at times.
4. Interrupting. I really, really try. I do.
5. Picking at my face.

5 places I’ve lived:
1. Ketchum, Idaho
2. Hyde Park, Vermont
3. Bend, Oregon
4. Destin, Florida
5. Mountain Top, Pennsylvania

5 things people don’t know about me
1. I'm scared in social situations. I am super-extroverted, but I am totally unsure of myself.
2. I go to the tanning bed just to be super hot. The tan is just gravy.
3. I basically raised myself.
4. I love all vegetables except green bell peppers.
5. I am compelled to own books. Libraries tease me. I hate how books from the library smell. I want to own every book I ever read so that when I can grab it at any time.

1. You! (I have a very small blog circle, sorry)