Thursday, December 11

Done, done. done.

Thank the powers that be!!! I just finished my last paper. I have two to turn in tomorrow (both biggies) and that's IT! I do have one paper to do basic revisions and edits on for next week, and one little assignment, but other than that the big work is done.

I have never felt so relieved. The finals next week should go well. Only one to worry about is the Psyc final. I really, really need to get a 96 or better on it. So, I think I am going to pour myself a glass of wine and then drift off to sleep. I might actually be present around here next week. If things go well, the tree in my living room might get lights on it this weekend (it's only been standing in here a week).

Oh, and Tom comes home NEXT MONTH. That makes my heart sing.


  1. That's a whole lotta good news right there. ONE MONTH! Awesome!

  2. Thanks, gals. While it next month, it's still 6 weeks away. This has been the longest year of my life.

    I'm such a whiner... lol

  3. Great news to read. Lovely for a well done article in here
