Tuesday, December 16


It's one of the finer points of being a woman that I have never figured out. I asked Eve to show me once, she never got me to understand. Professional make up ladies have tried. I just do.not.get.it. It looks pretty, though. I try and try but just never master it.

I don't get secrecy either. Some things are *meant* to be secret, or at least private, but I can't seem to muster enough strength to keep my thoughts, etc to myself. It makes people really uncomfortable when I talk about abuse like any of my other childhood memories. It makes them say, "I'm sorry." and stuff like that. I don't feel the need to congratulate people for good things in their childhood, why do they have to apologize for the bad stuff in mine. It bugs me that I have to censor myself to oblige the comfort of others. Why can't I talk about the Christmas that my father almost killed my son? You get to talk about the Christmas that made you love the holiday.

So, to everyone... I am *really* sorry my history makes you uncomfortable. It is a part of who I am though. It walks with me every day and probably will forever. I have an amazing life now and am blessed with awesome friends and family around me. However, the past doesn't vanish.


  1. i don't know what this is about, but if it was (ever) me, i'm sorry i stunk.

  2. I think I missed something. I'm slightly confused. Morgan, you know my thoughts on sharing, if you want to share, go for it. If you don't, fine again. I will keep things private if asked, but I will never ask someone to censor themselves for my comfort.
    You know I love the fact that you say practically everything you think. It is usually quite amusing. And the things that aren't amusing, well, welcome to life, it can't all be pretty.
    You do have a great life and circle around you now, and that is very, very pretty.

  3. I was terribly unclear. I am sorry. Liz, you've never in any way done anything of the like. Neither have you, Jess.

    Jess, you're an amazing friend and I cannot ever express adequately how much I appreciate that.
