Monday, May 19

PSYC 101 Final

I was allotted 2 hours and 15 minutes to take the test. I finished in 12 minutes. Is this good or bad?


  1. Hmmm, either you are scary smart or you should have studied harder... I'll be waiting for the results!

    BTW - why does your site have a flag for "questionable content"? Is this going to be like the nights on skipjack with a lot of wine and too much sharing of information? Miss those days!

  2. Morgie!! You joined the delinquency! Now I can update you when Hershey spreads the trash while you're gone......

    I'm sure you passed, and then we'll have to have a girls' night to celebrate.

  3. The warning is so that I can cuss. I won't be talking about the dirty stuff here, I don't think. However, we all know how I get.
