Monday, May 26

Lifting Things from Liz

First, Liz, you can just start writing my blog, too. I've stolen your Shelfari, your traffic report and now your event tracker. Not to mention the whole blogging idea seems to have stemmed from you!

Secondly, I took off the adult content thing. I thought I might swear a little bit, but I don't see that happening.

Thirdly, happy Memorial Day. I hope that you all were able to talk to your husbands or snuggle them and love them. I know that Memorial Day isn't for them, but we all understand how easily it could be.

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.

I got to talk to Tom for a while last night. It was so nice. We normally have these very brief, serious discussions about whatever we need to talk about. I don't get much goof off time with him. He spends 18-20 hours a day in the SCIF and there is no Wi-Fi in his room (yet). We get to email a little, but since he has to use the unclassified PC to email me, he really can't do that much either. It gets furstrating. Last deployment, we talked on IM all the time. We're at 19 weeks. That's a long time. I can't fathom that we still have a lot more than that to go. 4 months until R&R, though. That's going to have to get us through. Anyway, our conversation last night was a lot of laughs and giggling and just insane silliness. This is what makes Tom & Morgan Tom & Morgan.

I don't need to get all mushy this afternoon.

I am looking forward to summer. I will hopefully stay busy enough to make it fly by.


  1. Ok so I came back to say "hooray" for kicking butt on the psych exam and viola... another post. And you didn't think you'd write much! Oh and the first thing I thought when looking at the photo of you and your school friends was "man I wish I had her hair"! And last, I am confused, I thought you and Tom were moving this direction? Is it Del Mar now? When does he get back for good/is this a year deployment?

    Oh and one more thing, apparently I'm the queen of "oh one more" but I never e-mailed you about the cleaning lady because I suck. Anyway, I don't remember the name of the company but it doesn't matter because the FANTASTIC lady that cleaned my house no longer works for them. Hope you found someone!

  2. i will continue to give you fun linkies to steal...but you're a better writer than am i, my friend, so that part is up to you. i'm sorry.

    if you want, i'll make you a cool title bar, though. =)

  3. Ohhh, that would be very cool, Liz! Thank you:-) I am not artsy at all.
