Thursday, May 29

What to do about that thing in the night...

I love my child. I love my child. I just don't like him a whole lot lately. For some reason, he's dug his heels in deeper than ever and has just refused to behave with a semblance of humanity. I am not sure how much longer I can take this little postal worker in my home.

My husband lovingly assures me that he was just like this as a child, which frightens the holy bejesus out of me. How can such a kind, loving, sweet, empathetic, generous, beautiful man have been an alien as a teen? Were other boys like this, too? My brother was, to some extent. Please tell me that your kind, loving husbands were utterly hysterical maniacs as children, too. Please tell me that this is somehow normal.

He's such a fabulous kid when he's good. He's kind, generous, loving, sensitive and warm. I see less and less of that kiddo and more and more of the postal worker lately. Everyone tells me it's 'cus Dad is gone and he's just testing the waters. I'm about to send him over to Dad. Outward Bound or the equivalent isn't sounding all that bad at this moment.

I really don't have a point to this blog, other than to just blab. I guess it is a manner of venting. I've heard that this hormonal upheaval can last up to five years. This scares me.

Exasperation abounds.

Monday, May 26

For Michelle

We're totally in the dark about the future, at this point. We were supposed to be going to VA Beach to the NMITC, but that is a no go, it would appear. We may be here in Cali for another few years. We may move some place totally different. Or, Tom may get out.

In regards to Del Mar: we're all moving back down there. They need to put the Enlisted folks that belong in these house in them. It does appear that the living in Del Mar will be nice, though. Same views, etc. but houses that aren't going to fall down around our ears.

The Easy Life

This is truly unadulterated joy:

Lifting Things from Liz

First, Liz, you can just start writing my blog, too. I've stolen your Shelfari, your traffic report and now your event tracker. Not to mention the whole blogging idea seems to have stemmed from you!

Secondly, I took off the adult content thing. I thought I might swear a little bit, but I don't see that happening.

Thirdly, happy Memorial Day. I hope that you all were able to talk to your husbands or snuggle them and love them. I know that Memorial Day isn't for them, but we all understand how easily it could be.

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.

I got to talk to Tom for a while last night. It was so nice. We normally have these very brief, serious discussions about whatever we need to talk about. I don't get much goof off time with him. He spends 18-20 hours a day in the SCIF and there is no Wi-Fi in his room (yet). We get to email a little, but since he has to use the unclassified PC to email me, he really can't do that much either. It gets furstrating. Last deployment, we talked on IM all the time. We're at 19 weeks. That's a long time. I can't fathom that we still have a lot more than that to go. 4 months until R&R, though. That's going to have to get us through. Anyway, our conversation last night was a lot of laughs and giggling and just insane silliness. This is what makes Tom & Morgan Tom & Morgan.

I don't need to get all mushy this afternoon.

I am looking forward to summer. I will hopefully stay busy enough to make it fly by.

Saturday, May 24

PSYC Final

I aced it! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I am pretty sure this means I will have straight As for the semester.

I'm done with school!

I had my last final yesterday. This makes for a happy Binky. I was so nervous about this whole going back to school thing that I had myself all twitterpated. I don't know why I stressed so much, but I did. I worried about every grade, every ort of information handed out. I think I can be more relaxed next semester. I haven't gotten stupid since the last time I went to school.

After my last final, some of my fellow classmates and I went out for cocktails. I am so not 23 anymore.

Thursday, May 22

I know these are brief

But I will post more in the coming weeks. Life isn't hectic, but I do have enough on my plate to keep me busy through tomorrow, at least.. lol

I have one more final today (PHIL) and one more tomorrow (ENG) and I am done, done, done! yay! The SOC final yesterday went well. I am sure I did well enough on it, regardless.

Last night I had dinner at General Kelly's house. How interesting. It really made me remember how much I miss living down in Del Mar. I am kinda glad now that we will be moving back down there. Austen will ride his bike to school, we will have a yard and Tom will be a mile from work. If we end up getting stuck here for another couple of years, it won't be too bad!

Oh, and I am posting this from my shiny new laptop. How fun!!

Monday, May 19

PSYC 101 Final

I was allotted 2 hours and 15 minutes to take the test. I finished in 12 minutes. Is this good or bad?

Sunday, May 18

I might try this...

I guess I might try to keep up with a blog. I usually suck at things like this, though. So, it's here anyway. That means if I am inspired at some moment, I can write.

It could be really cool with all of the traveling this summer, Tom's R&R and Eve's wedding.