Friday, August 15

Scattered, Stressed and Excited...

Well, two weeks since a post. Not sure why, I haven't done a damn thing in the last two weeks. So, here is two weeks worth of blabbing:

We're supposed to move. They've delayed it until the beginning of September. I start school the 25th of August. I may have a trip to the east coast the first part of September. I have a trip to Florida the first two weeks of October (Tom's R&R and Eve's wedding *squeeeeeeeee*). I'm not sure when they CAN move me. It's so very frustrating. I just wish that these last three-four weeks that I've been sitting on my ass could have been spent setting up the new house. Not to mention that the longer they put off moving us, the less time we will be in that house. If we moved NOW, we wouldn't be there a year. So, if things get pushed until October, we might be there 7-8 months. That's an awfully short time (Liz, you're feeling this, I am sure).

I feel like my hands are tied. I keep going through things in my house to feel like I am accomplishing something, anything. It's not working. I feel like a lump. Other than having somewhat of a social life lately, my life is totally stagnant right now. I know it's not going to stay that way. It's some kind of effed up juxtaposition.

I've gotten everything handled that I can. I guess that is good. The only thing I am behind on is reading, but I am always behind on my reading. I buy books faster than I can feasibly read them. Sorta silly. Some people collect black and white cows or coins or what-have-yous; I collect books. It's a good thing.

That's where I am right now. Poised and ready to pounce but worried I am going to need to pounce in 8 directions at one time. I am blessed to have such great things going on in my life.


  1. yes blessed but it's still crazy. DUDE if you're there for seven months don't unpack anything you don't need...then when you go move into your next house it will be soooo easy. or at least that's how it happened for us. so good luck with all of your tiggerness. OMG if i lived next door to you still i would sooooo put a tigger on your doorstep.

  2. I can soooo relate to the 3 million projects yet not being able to do anything with any of them! So frustrating. Take some photos of the new house for me though.. I am really curious! Hang in there!
