Sunday, September 28

I think I might cry...

I'm getting a cold sore on my mouth. I don't get them too often and usually they're in my nose (weird right?) which sucks royally and is more painful, but at least they can't be seen.

Tom's about to leave Kuwait. I see him in three days. If there was a god, this would not happen. So very effed up. I want to cry.

(I am taking the pills, but I am almost out. Of course it's Sunday and I can't get any more.... so hopefully I can get more in the morning...)


  1. OMG--are you using the cream? NOT starts with an 'A'--what the hizeck is it called? Abreva! That's it. I have tubes everywhere--for the moment I start to feel the has always helped SO much.

    As a side note, I usually get one or two a year. And then we moved to California and I got one in the 1st two years that we lived there. Smooth sailing. Until I got pregnant. I got FIVE during my pregnancy! In CA. Obviously it is an immunity thing!!!!

    PS--your pics from DC look great! They make me want to run up there and visit this week!

  2. oh no! go get the abreva,take the pills, use one of those schticktic sticks...i know that's not how you spell it, but that's how you SAY it...the pharmacist should know.

    i am so excited that you're about to not be alone anymore though. lizard lips or not. i'll send over some "not" vibes.

  3. So happy and so sad for you all at the same time! Hope the pills and abreva work or better yet, that it's a false alarm!

  4. It's a full, gnarly blister already. I think I stopped it from getting bigger though. I have Abreva and Zovarax (sp?) (thanks Yee!) and I am on the pills. I will go tomorrow and beg for a cortisol shot and more medication... lol

    Oh and lizard lips??? hahahaha, that made water almost exit my nostrils.

    I am so excited to see Tom, too. I just can't believe I won't be able to kiss him. How effed up is that?

  5. he's home! he's home! he's home! he's home! he's home! he's home!

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! He's FINALLY home!!!!!
