Thursday, November 6

English 201 - Critical thinking and literature analysis

You're kidding me, right? My English teacher marked off on my paper the word 'wont'. The actual sentence was, "as cattle are wont to do" (it was a reference to Frost's poem Mending Wall) and she told me it was wrong. That it should be want, and not won't. I tried to explain to her that wont was very different than won't and want. I ended up pulling out a dictionary (yes I travel with one) to show her. She told me, "You're blowing my mind." She also told me that I misused 'onerous' and 'epitaph' in another paper. Those are a little more obscure so I wasn't upset about those. However, I am not wont to use words inappropriately. I don't think anyway. I told her I could spell and define litigious, too. She didn't think that was as funny as I did.

I guess because of my upbringing or something, I don't get upset when a person criticizes me. If you tell me I can improve, I think you care more about me than if you lie and say all is fine and good. My English instructor obviously does not feel the same way about such things. While she is very smart and can talk about literature for days, I think she should have a much firmer grasp upon her native tongue. She has taught me a little about reading into literary works, but has taught me next to nothing about the structure of the English language, which is the backbone of the course even if it is critical thinking.

See, just read that rambling mess. I need help with written English structure. Anyone care to help me?


  1. ramble, ramble, ramble, you always were a rambler.....and a wordy one at that! I wonder if Lynn reads this blog? The thought makes me smile.

  2. Rambler... guess you have at least one friend who will tell you the truth! But your instructor is sad, sad, sad. Seriously, she confused wont with won't and want. I mean out of context maybe but the sentence was extremely clear. I'm disheartened really... Do you plan to teach because clearly some new blood is needed!

  3. Me? Teach? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

    If I were to teach something it would be a tragic mistake. I have barely enough patience for those related to me.

    I am going to be Dr. Drug Dealer.

    I don't think Lynn reads our blogs, Jess. I dunno though. We should ask her. I haven't seen her in a week. I bet she's bustin' butt on the house to get ready for Scotty's homecoming. I'm jealous.

  4. Just remember, you've been warping your son too. He also has an affinity for those $1.85 words.

  5. The kiddo does it too? That's awesome.

  6. "I don't think anyway. I told her I could spell and define litigious, too. She didn't think that was as funny as I did."


    Love it. I'm wont to use words like that too.

