Thursday, May 29

What to do about that thing in the night...

I love my child. I love my child. I just don't like him a whole lot lately. For some reason, he's dug his heels in deeper than ever and has just refused to behave with a semblance of humanity. I am not sure how much longer I can take this little postal worker in my home.

My husband lovingly assures me that he was just like this as a child, which frightens the holy bejesus out of me. How can such a kind, loving, sweet, empathetic, generous, beautiful man have been an alien as a teen? Were other boys like this, too? My brother was, to some extent. Please tell me that your kind, loving husbands were utterly hysterical maniacs as children, too. Please tell me that this is somehow normal.

He's such a fabulous kid when he's good. He's kind, generous, loving, sensitive and warm. I see less and less of that kiddo and more and more of the postal worker lately. Everyone tells me it's 'cus Dad is gone and he's just testing the waters. I'm about to send him over to Dad. Outward Bound or the equivalent isn't sounding all that bad at this moment.

I really don't have a point to this blog, other than to just blab. I guess it is a manner of venting. I've heard that this hormonal upheaval can last up to five years. This scares me.

Exasperation abounds.


  1. oh my gosh. i'm so sorry!

    i think my husband is pretty great and the stories he tells about his early hs days can actually keep me up at night, they are THAT crazy.

    if you want to send him out to the swamp to help with some heavy lifting - ie moving and doing serious yardwork in the middle of the summer - we have a guest room. and we'd love the assistance. =)

  2. Oh don't worry Morgan, alien is EXACTLY what teenage boys are. If I met my hubby in highschool, or God forbid College, no way would we be married right now! The stories are horrible. And like you it shocks me 'cuz my guy is AWESOME. But apparently for all the ages that started with a 1 and some of the 2's, not so much

  3. My friend has a 12 almost 13 year old & he's sooooo sweet some of the time, but he's really become an alien too. He sort of went out of control there for a few months, but she's got him somewhat under control now. He's still an alien tho. I think it gets better when they're in their 20s.

  4. I don't know if I can wait until he's 20! hahahaha

    We're trying some new things. Hopefully we can tear down some walls and go back to what we were or create something new that is loving and fun. He is as miserable in this as I am.

  5. I'm a little late jumping in here, but your son was WONDERFUL during the wedding weeks. It was unreal and occasionally downright creepy. Did he get all those big brains from you? I'm sure he did. He astounded everyone in my world that met him with his maturity. Maybe he was being god-awful at the time you wrote this because he was saving up for the first two weeks of October.

    Of course, my bitches-from-another-planet nieces managed to behave themselves as well ... maybe we accidentally put something in the water ....
